叙利亚反对派领导人提出18个月过渡到阿萨德后自由选举。 Syrian opposition leader proposes 18-month transition to free elections post-Assad.
在叛乱分子迫使巴沙尔·阿萨德总统逃离大马士革之后,叙利亚反对派领导人Hadi Al-Bahra提出了为期18个月的过渡期,为自由选举做准备。 Syrian opposition leader Hadi Al-Bahra has proposed an 18-month transition period to prepare for free elections after rebels forced President Bashar al-Assad to flee Damascus. 叙利亚全国联盟领导人Al-Bahra建议在六个月内起草宪法,然后举行全民投票。 Al-Bahra, head of the Syrian National Coalition, suggests drafting a constitution within six months followed by a referendum. 他还向国家雇员保证他们在过渡期间的安全。 He also assures state employees of their safety during the transition. 该计划的目的是在对区域不稳定和反叛分子管理过渡能力的关切下创造一个稳定的环境。 The plan aims to create a stable environment amid concerns about regional instability and the rebels' ability to manage the transition.