500个美国县的大型动物兽医短缺,使农村农民为护理而挣扎。 A shortage of large animal vets in 500 U.S. counties leaves rural farmers struggling for care.
缺少专门从事大型动物的兽医正在影响美国各地的农村农场主,46个州的500个县报告严重短缺。 A shortage of veterinarians specializing in large animals is affecting rural farm owners across the U.S., with 500 counties in 46 states reporting critical shortages. 新的兽医往往更喜欢与狗和猫一起工作,马专家的人数正在减少,尽管一些地区的春花活动有所增加。 New veterinarians often prefer to work with dogs and cats, and the number of horse specialists is declining, even as equine activities increase in some areas. 由于这种短缺,许多业主不得不长途跋涉,接受兽医护理。 This shortage forces many owners to travel long distances for veterinary care.