英国四分之一的小企业担心自己无法应付金融冲击, 汇丰银行的调查显示, Quarter of UK small businesses worry they can't handle financial shocks, HSBC survey reveals.
根据汇丰银行的一项调查,四分之一的联合王国小企业担心无法抵御金融冲击。 A quarter of UK small businesses fear they cannot withstand financial shocks, according to an HSBC survey. 超过三分之二的企业业主报告说,2024年难以增加其企业以满足客户需求,预计2025年也会面临类似挑战。 Over two-thirds of business owners reported difficulty in growing their firms to meet customer demand in 2024 and anticipate similar challenges in 2025. 成本上升和借贷问题是增长的关键障碍,53%的公司的现金储备不足5万英镑。 Rising costs and borrowing issues are key barriers to growth, with 53% of firms holding less than £50,000 in cash reserves.