70%的联合王国小企业担心由于成本上升而关闭,而物价和隐性银行收费是主要关切。 70% of UK small businesses fear closure due to rising costs, with material costs and hidden bank fees as key concerns.
最近对500家英国小企业的调查显示,70%的人担心费用上涨导致关闭,其中49%的人以物价成本为例,19%的人强调隐性银行收费为主要关切。 A recent survey of 500 UK small businesses reveals that 70% fear closure due to rising costs, with 49% citing material costs and 19% highlighting hidden bank fees as key concerns. 尽管努力削减开支,但88%的公司认为自己正在尽其所能,但69%的公司仍然对生存感到担忧。 Despite efforts to cut expenses, 88% of firms feel they are doing all they can, yet 69% remain anxious about survival. 许多人正在谈判供应商费率和减少能源使用,而56%的人诉诸解雇。 Many are negotiating supplier rates and reducing energy use, while 56% have resorted to layoffs. 金融应用Wise倡导国际交易费用透明化, The financial app Wise advocates for transparency in international transaction fees to alleviate burdens on SMEs.