政治人物在托科罗阿开会,解决Kinleith Mills关闭造成的失业问题,寻求工人支助。 Politicians meet in Tokoroa to address job losses from Kinleith Mill closure, seek support for workers.
知名政治家将出席在托科罗阿举行的社区会议,讨论关闭Kinleith Mills的问题,这将导致230人失业。 High-profile politicians will attend a community meeting in Tokoroa to address the closure of the Kinleith Mill, which will lead to up to 230 job losses. 会议旨在寻求政府对受影响工人的支持,并为该区域制定长期经济计划,包括处理能源价格问题和审议气候变化的影响。 The meeting aims to seek government support for affected workers and to develop a long-term economic plan for the region, including tackling energy prices and considering the impact of climate change. Green MP Tamatha Paul呼吁立即为受灾家庭提供救济。 Green MP Tamatha Paul has called for immediate relief for affected families.