弗雷泽湖村与政府合作,应对即将关闭的锯木厂带来的挑战,让社区参与对话并宣传当地工业和资源。 Fraser Lake Village works with government to address challenges from upcoming sawmill closure, engaging community in dialogue and advocacy for local industry and resources.
弗雷泽湖村正在积极应对西弗雷泽弗雷泽湖锯木厂即将关闭的问题,与各级政府合作,讨论受林业影响的社区(特别是不列颠哥伦比亚省农村地区)所面临的挑战。 The Village of Fraser Lake is actively addressing the upcoming closure of West Fraser's Fraser Lake Sawmill by working with various levels of government to discuss the challenges faced by forestry-affected communities, particularly in rural British Columbia. 萨拉·斯托里 (Sarrah Storey) 市长强调市议会致力于倡导自 1900 年代初以来维持该地区发展的社区、居民、工业和资源。 Mayor Sarrah Storey emphasizes the council's commitment to advocating for the community, residents, industry, and resources that have sustained the region since the early 1900s. 该村正在提供持续的反馈机会,让社区成员表达他们的担忧。 The village is providing ongoing opportunities for feedback, allowing community members to express their concerns.