菲律宾政府在2024年削减近20%的国营企业补贴, Philippine government cuts state enterprise subsidies by nearly 20% in 2024, but sees October spike.
在2024年头十个月中,菲律宾政府削减了对国有企业的预算支持近20%,总计1 172.1亿菲律宾比索。 In the first ten months of 2024, the Philippine government reduced budgetary support to state-owned enterprises by nearly 20%, totaling P117.21 billion. 国家灌溉管理局获得的补贴最高,其次是菲律宾健康保险公司和电力部门资产与负债管理公司。 The National Irrigation Administration received the highest subsidies, followed by the Philippine Health Insurance Corporation and Power Sector Assets and Liabilities Management Corporation. 尽管总体下降,但与去年同月相比,10月份的补贴增加了30.24%,达到11.97亿比索。 Despite the overall decrease, October saw a 30.24% increase in subsidies to P11.97 billion compared to the same month last year.