新奥尔良向前黑人商业区致敬 在克莱伯恩桥下 拥有历史标志 New Orleans honors former Black business district under Claiborne overpass with historic marker.
新奥尔良在克莱博恩大桥下面揭开了一个历史标志, 纪念克莱博恩大道上曾经繁荣的黑人商业区, New Orleans has unveiled a historic marker under the Claiborne overpass to honor the once-thriving Black business district on Claiborne Avenue, which was destroyed during Interstate 10 construction in the 1970s. 该地区被称为1830年代的黑新奥尔良的主要街道,有各种黑人拥有的企业。 The area, known as the Main Street of Black New Orleans from the 1830s, featured a variety of Black-owned businesses. 该标记由Plessy诉Ferguson案所涉后代放置,纪念了社区的创业精神和复原力。 The marker, placed by descendants involved in the Plessy vs. Ferguson case, commemorates the community's entrepreneurial spirit and resilience.