查尔斯顿大屠杀纪念馆更新了有关预防大屠杀教育的最新情况。 Charleston's Holocaust Memorial rededicated with updates to educate on Holocaust prevention.
在马里恩广场的查尔斯顿大屠杀纪念馆被重新命名,以纪念其25周年,展出新的标志和水仙,象征着纪念和希望。 The Charleston Holocaust Memorial in Marion Square was rededicated to mark its 25th anniversary, featuring new signage and daffodils symbolizing remembrance and hope. 当地大屠杀幸存者Harry Schneider讲述了他的故事,更新的目的是教育后代了解大屠杀,以防止类似暴行。 Local Holocaust survivor Harry Schneider shared his story, and the updates aim to educate future generations about the Holocaust to prevent similar atrocities. 纪念馆现在包括可以通过QR码获取的教育资源。 The memorial now includes educational resources accessible via QR codes.