伊利诺伊州最古老的黑城因社区振兴努力而衰败抗争。 Oldest Black town in Illinois fights decline with community revitalization efforts.
位于伊利诺伊州的美国最古老的黑人城镇正面临大幅下降,但社区正在努力重振这一城镇。 The oldest Black town in America, located in Illinois, is facing a significant decline, but community efforts are underway to revitalize it. 该镇是为为非裔美国人提供安全空间而建立的,它正在应对人口损失和经济停滞等问题。 The town, established to provide a safe space for African Americans, is battling issues like population loss and economic stagnation. 当地积极分子和居民正在努力采取举措,为该地区带来新生活,重点是经济发展和社区参与。 Local activists and residents are working on initiatives to bring new life to the area, focusing on economic development and community engagement.