中国餐馆为冬季慈善运动的送货司机、清洁工和保安人员提供免费、折扣膳食。 Chinese restaurants offer free, discounted meals to delivery drivers, cleaners, and security staff in a winter charity drive.
中国各地的餐馆,包括北京、上海和天津, 向送货司机、街头清洁工及保安人员等工人提供免费和折扣餐。 Restaurants across China, including Beijing, Shanghai, and Tianjin, are offering free and discounted meals to workers like delivery drivers, street cleaners, and security staff. Jingchengzhiziwang和Yushiji等倡议旨在支持这些基本工人,他们经常免费或廉价地提供膳食和饮料。 Initiatives like Jingchengzhiziwang and Yushiji aim to support these essential workers, often providing meals and drinks for free or at low cost. 拥有者(有些拥有个人艰苦经历的人)希望在寒冬的几个月里向社会回馈,提供温暖。 Owners, some with personal experiences of hardship, hope to give back to society and offer warmth during the cold winter months.