堪萨斯州军官在接近居民后遭到殴打,面部受伤;袭击者受到指控。 Kansas officer assaulted, suffering face injuries, after approaching resident; attacker charged.
一名在堪萨斯州的劳伦斯警官 星期六早上在接到骚乱电话时 遭到袭击 A Lawrence, Kansas, police officer was attacked on Saturday morning while responding to a disturbance call. 该名警官鼻子骨折,面部受伤,在积极接近一名居民后,遭到61岁的Jeffrey Montgomery Smith的攻击。 The officer, who sustained a broken nose and face injuries, was assaulted by 61-year-old Jeffrey Montgomery Smith after he aggressively approached a resident. 一名旁观者帮助征服了史密斯 直到后援到达 A bystander helped subdue Smith until backup arrived. Smith在一家医院被注射了镇静剂,随后被转移到Douglas县教养所,面临包括殴打一名执法官员在内的指控。 Smith was sedated at a hospital and later transferred to the Douglas County Correctional Facility, facing charges including battery on a law enforcement officer. 这名军官接受治疗后从医院获释。 The officer received treatment and was released from the hospital.