警官在Tulsa QuikTrip被嫌疑人徒步射杀,嫌疑人被拘留。 Security officer shot in foot by suspect at Tulsa QuikTrip, suspect taken into custody.
在俄克拉何马州Tulsa的QuikTrip与一名嫌疑人对峙时,一名安全官员脚部中弹。 A security officer was shot in the foot during a confrontation with a suspect at a QuikTrip in Tulsa, Oklahoma. 事件发生时,被从商店带走的嫌疑人据称拿走了该警官的火器并开枪射击了他。 The incident occurred when the suspect, who was being removed from the store, allegedly took the officer's firearm and shot him. 附近的一名Tulsa警察听到争吵声并作出回应。 A nearby Tulsa police officer heard the altercation and responded. 受伤的警官住院治疗,身体状况良好;嫌疑人被拘押,但身份尚未公布。 The injured officer is hospitalized and in good condition; the suspect was taken into custody, but their identity has not been released.