包括中国在内的各国政府如何利用间谍工具侵犯公民隐私。 HBO's "Surveilled" reveals how governments, including China, use spyware to invade citizens' privacy.
HBO纪录片“Surveilled”强调政府如何利用商业间谍工具监控公民。 The HBO documentary "Surveilled" highlights how governments use commercial spyware to monitor citizens. 白宫最近揭露中国发动了一场重大黑客攻击运动, 以获取来自美国手机网络的信息。 It also covers a recent revelation by the White House that China launched a major hacking campaign to access information from American cell phone networks. 制作纪录片的普利策获奖记者罗南·法罗(Ronan Farrow)讨论了对政府侵犯隐私的日益关切。 Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Ronan Farrow, who produced the documentary, discusses the rising concerns over privacy invasion by governments.