阿联酋墨尔本到新加坡的航班结束, 于2025年将新墨尔本发射至迪拜。 Emirates ends Melbourne to Singapore flights, launches new Melbourne to Dubai service in 2025.
阿联酋将结束墨尔本飞往新加坡的航班,这些航班在将近30年之后,将于2025年3月30日停飞。 Emirates is ending its Melbourne to Singapore flights, set to cease on March 30, 2025, after nearly 30 years. 该航空公司将采用四级波音777-300ER,在墨尔本和迪拜之间提供第三种不间断服务。 The airline will introduce a third non-stop service between Melbourne and Dubai, using a four-class Boeing 777-300ER. 此举旨在向27个欧洲城市提供更好的时间表和连接。 This move aims to offer better schedules and connectivity to 27 European cities. 受影响的乘客将获得替代选择或退款。 Affected passengers will receive alternative options or refunds. 新服务强调阿联酋在澳大利亚市场的扩张以及对正在恢复的旅游业的信心。 The new service emphasizes Emirates' expansion in the Australian market and confidence in the recovering travel industry.