阿联酋发射了科伦坡-迪拜的新航班,使斯里兰卡的旅游业增加了30%的座位容量。 Emirates launches new Colombo-Dubai flights, boosting Sri Lanka's tourism by 30% seat capacity.
阿联酋将从2025年1月2日开始在科伦坡和迪拜之间引进新的航班,每周飞行六次,直至2025年3月31日,每日飞行之后。 Emirates will introduce a new flight between Colombo and Dubai starting January 2, 2025, with six weekly flights until March 31, 2025, and daily flights afterward. 这增加了30%的座位容量,支持了斯里兰卡在2025年增加游客抵达量的目标。 This increases seat capacity by 30%, supporting Sri Lanka's goal of boosting tourist arrivals in 2025. EK654/655号航班可容纳360名乘客,是阿联酋持续支持斯里兰卡旅游部门的一部分。 The flight, EK654/655, can accommodate up to 360 passengers and is part of Emirates' ongoing support for Sri Lanka's tourism sector.