美国将投票表决关于为安全考虑而花费3B除去Huawei和ZTE设备的法案。 USA to vote on bill to spend $3B removing Huawei and ZTE equipment over security concerns.
美国众议院计划就一项国防法案进行表决,该法案包括30亿美元,用于帮助将华威公司和ZTE公司出于安全考虑制造的中国电信设备从美国网络中删除。 The US House of Representatives plans to vote on a defense bill that includes $3 billion to help remove Chinese telecom equipment, made by Huawei and ZTE, from American networks due to security concerns. 该法案还要求报告中国为逃避美国安全规则所作的努力,并评估中国的生物技术能力。 The bill also requires a report on China's efforts to evade US security rules and an assessment of China's biotech capabilities. 联邦通信委员会估计搬迁费用为49.8亿美元;国会此前已核准19亿美元。 The Federal Communications Commission estimates removal costs at $4.98 billion; Congress has previously approved $1.9 billion.