古巴的批评家Marco Rubio参议员准备成为国务卿, 可能收紧美国对古巴的封锁。 Senator Marco Rubio, a critic of Cuba, is set to become Secretary of State and may tighten the U.S. embargo on Cuba.
参议员Marco Rubio是古巴流亡者的儿子,严厉批评古巴政府,准备在特朗普总统领导下担任国务秘书。 Senator Marco Rubio, a son of Cuban exiles and fierce critic of Cuba's government, is set to become Secretary of State under President Trump. Rubio长期以来一直主张收紧美国对古巴的贸易禁运。 Rubio has long advocated for tightening the U.S. trade embargo on Cuba. 如果得到证实,他可以施加更多的经济制裁,增加对持不同政见者的资助,并限制美国前往古巴旅行,这有可能使该岛的经济斗争恶化。 If confirmed, he could impose additional economic sanctions, increase funding for dissidents, and restrict U.S. travel to Cuba, potentially worsening the island's economic struggles.