东Baton Rouge教区的一个投票点因虚假的危险材料警报而被疏散;投票未受影响。 A polling site in East Baton Rouge Parish was evacuated due to a false hazardous material alarm; voting unaffected.
东Baton Rouge教区的一个投票点于星期六被短暂疏散,因为据报发生了一起危险物质事件,最初被认为是煤气泄漏。 A polling location in East Baton Rouge Parish was briefly evacuated on Saturday due to reports of a hazardous material incident, initially thought to be a gas leak. 然而,发现这是因电池漏泄而造成的虚假警报。 However, it was found to be a false alarm caused by a leaking battery. 民意调查工人确认,这一事件不影响投票,并采取了安全措施。 Poll workers confirmed that the incident did not affect voting, and safety measures were put in place. 所涉及的区不是圣乔治区,选票包括市长-总统的竞选。 The precinct involved was not a St. George precinct, and the ballot included the mayor-president's race.