由于来自俄罗斯的不可信的炸弹威胁,两个联合城市投票站被短暂关闭。 Two Union City polling places were briefly closed due to non-credible bomb threats from Russia.
据国务卿布拉德·拉芬斯珀格(Brad Raffensperger)说,在选举日当天,格鲁吉亚联合市的两个投票站由于可追溯到俄罗斯的无法证明的炸弹威胁而暂时关闭。 On Election Day, two polling places in Union City, Georgia, were temporarily closed due to non-credible bomb threats traced back to Russia, according to Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger. 这些威胁影响到Etris社区中心和Gullatt小学,导致短暂撤离。 The threats affected the Etris Community Center and Gullatt Elementary, leading to a brief evacuation. 联邦调查局证实这些威胁不可信,富尔顿县正设法延长投票时间,以适应混乱。 The FBI confirmed the threats were not credible, and Fulton County is seeking to extend voting hours to accommodate disruptions. 据报告,总的投票情况顺利进行。 Voting overall is reported to be proceeding smoothly.