在飓风艾达期间向搬到仓库的疗养院居民提供的近 $9M 和解金。 Nearly $9M settlement offered to nursing home residents moved to a warehouse during Hurricane Ida.
在2021年 " 伊达 " 飓风期间,向427名前路易斯安那州养老院居民提供了近900万美元,这些人被转移到设备差的仓库。 Nearly $9 million has been offered in a settlement to 427 former Louisiana nursing home residents who were moved to a poorly equipped warehouse during Hurricane Ida in 2021. 疗养院业主小Bob Dean面临刑事指控,并同意向联邦政府支付820万美元。 The nursing homes' owner, Bob Dean Jr., faced criminal charges and agreed to pay $8.2 million to the federal government. 居民面临恶劣条件,包括天花板漏水以及食物和水不足。 Residents faced harsh conditions, including leaking ceilings and insufficient food and water. 那些未对和解金额提出异议的人可以在几周内预期付款,而那些质疑和解的人定于1月举行听证会。 Those who do not contest the settlement amounts can expect payments within a few weeks, while a hearing is scheduled for January for those challenging the settlement.