一名男子在华盛顿SeaTac的肩膀被射中,当时有人开车朝他开枪,调查仍在进行中。 A man was shot in the shoulder in SeaTac, Washington, during a drive-by shooting; investigation ongoing.
周六下午 4 点 20 分左右,华盛顿州西塔科发生了一起驾车枪击事件,地点位于南 200 街和南 30 大道的交叉口附近。 A drive-by shooting occurred in SeaTac, Washington, around 4:20 p.m. on Saturday, near the intersection of South 200th Street and 30th Avenue South. 一名男性行人肩膀中弹,被带往港景医疗中心。 A male pedestrian was shot in the shoulder and taken to Harborview Medical Center. 县长办公室和重罪股正在调查,但尚未发现任何嫌犯。 The King County Sheriff's Office and Major Crimes Unit are investigating, but no suspects have been identified yet.