在西澳大利亚州林伍德,52岁的妇女在开车途中腿部中弹;寻找多名嫌疑人。 52-year-old woman shot in leg during drive-by in Lynnwood, WA; multiple suspects sought.
一名52岁的妇女星期五晚上在99号公路上行走时腿部中弹受伤。 A drive-by shooting in Lynnwood, Washington, injured a 52-year-old woman who was shot in the leg while walking on Highway 99 on Friday night. 这名妇女被带往普罗维登斯地区医疗中心,受到无生命威胁的伤害。 The woman was taken to Providence Regional Medical Center with non-life-threatening injuries. 调查人员找到了一枚弹壳,并正在寻找关于多名嫌犯在一辆不明车辆中逃跑的信息。 Investigators recovered a shell casing and are seeking information on multiple suspects seen fleeing in an unknown vehicle. 敦促证人与Snohomish县警察局联系,电话是425-388-3845。 Witnesses are urged to contact the Snohomish County Sheriff's Office at 425-388-3845.