西澳大利亚州法尔市正在调查多人死亡枪击事件,作为潜在的家庭暴力。 Multiple-fatality shooting under investigation as potential domestic violence in Fall City, WA.
华盛顿州福尔城发生的枪击案, 现在正在由国王县警长办公室作为潜在的家庭暴力事件进行调查. A multiple-fatality shooting in Fall City, Washington, on October 21 is being investigated by the King County Sheriff's Office as a potential domestic violence incident. 当局在清晨对现场作出反应,发现多名受害者,但确切数字仍未披露。 Authorities responded to the scene early in the morning, discovering multiple victims, but exact numbers remain undisclosed. 社区没有不断受到威胁,预计调查需要几天时间。 There is no ongoing threat to the community, and the investigation is expected to take several days. 迄今为止,尚未发现任何嫌疑人。 As of now, no suspects have been identified.