两名肯塔基州医生因被控过度使用受管制药物而被吊销了执照。 Licenses of two Kentucky doctors revoked for alleged over-prescribing of controlled substances.
肯塔基医疗许可委员会于11月27日撤销了两名Muhlenberg县医生William Vincent和Barry Hardison的执照, The Kentucky Board of Medical Licensure revoked the licenses of two Muhlenberg County doctors, William Vincent and Barry Hardison, on November 27, due to alleged violations including over-prescribing controlled substances at A New Start in Central City. 同一天还发布紧急限制,禁止他们行医。 Emergency restrictions were also issued on the same day, barring them from practicing medicine. 两位医生有30天时间对撤销申请提出上诉。 Both doctors have 30 days to appeal the revocation.