得克萨斯州医疗委员会因工作中的中毒问题吊销医生执照。 Texas Medical Board suspends doctor's license due to intoxication concerns at work.
德州医疗委员会因Adam Rance Corley医生在工作时喝醉而暂停其医疗执照。 The Texas Medical Board has suspended Dr. Adam Rance Corley's medical license after allegations that he was intoxicated at work. 尽管多次参加戒酒康复,但纪律小组发现Corley没有适当授权其开具处方,他的持续做法对公众福利构成威胁。 Despite attending alcohol rehab multiple times, a disciplinary panel found that Corley did not properly delegate his prescribing authority and that his continued practice poses a threat to public welfare. 暂停执行将一直有效,直到董事会另有决定。 The suspension will remain in effect until the board decides otherwise.