堪萨斯的脊椎按摩师在被判性侵犯病人后 丧失了执照 Kansas chiropractor loses license after being convicted of sexually assaulting a patient.
曼哈顿的Kenyon Erickson, 堪萨斯州脊椎按摩师, 被堪萨斯州治疗艺术委员会吊销执照, 罪名是性侵犯, Kenyon Erickson, a Manhattan, Kansas chiropractor, had his license revoked by the Kansas State Board of Healing Arts after being convicted of sexual battery for inappropriately touching a patient in 2022. Erickson被判处软禁一年。 Erickson was sentenced to one year of house arrest. 本案突显了该行业内部的问题,因为另一位堪萨斯州按摩师今年早些时候面临医疗保险欺诈罪指控。 The case highlights issues within the profession, as another Kansas chiropractor faced Medicare fraud charges earlier this year.