内布拉斯加州医生在承认对儿童进行性虐待和其他猥亵行为后,失去医疗执照。 Nebraska doctor loses medical license after admitting to sexually abusing a child and other indecent acts.
Dr. 博士 Dr. 内布拉斯加州医生Troy Dillon因性虐待儿童、猥亵观看、录制和广播等指控而失去医疗执照。 Troy Dillon, a Nebraska physician, has lost his medical license due to charges of sexually abusing a child and indecently viewing, recording, and broadcasting. Dillon对这些指控认罪,在佛罗里达和日本被判定犯有类似罪行,当时他驻扎在空军中。 Dillon pleaded guilty to these charges and was found guilty of similar crimes in Florida and Japan, where he was stationed in the Air Force. 国家首席医务官因不光彩的行为 吊销了他的执照 The state's chief medical officer revoked his license due to dishonorable conduct.