加州教师在教室被蝙蝠咬死后死于狂犬病。 California teacher dies from rabies after being bitten by a bat in her classroom.
一名加州教师Leah Seneng于10月中旬在教室被蝙蝠咬死后死亡。 A California teacher, Leah Seneng, died after being bitten by a bat in her classroom in mid-October. 最初没有症状,后来病倒住院。 Initially showing no symptoms, she later fell ill and was hospitalized. 尽管做出了医疗努力,包括昏迷,她还是过世了。 Despite medical efforts, including a coma, she passed away. 卫生官员警告说,在美国,蝙蝠是狂犬病的主要来源,如果不及时治疗,这种病几乎总是致命的。 Health officials warn that bats are a primary source of rabies in the U.S., which is almost always fatal if not treated promptly.