Melanye Walker与一只狂犬病蝙蝠密切接触,需要10次接种疫苗,并突出野生生物接触的潜在危险。 Melanye Walker had a close encounter with a rabid bat, requiring 10 vaccinations and highlighting potential dangers of wildlife exposure.
BC Chemainus的Melanye Walker在清理池塘时, 与一只狂犬病蝙蝠密切接触后, 正在提高人们对狂犬病的认识。 Melanye Walker from Chemainus, BC, is raising awareness about rabies after a close encounter with a rabid bat while cleaning her pond. 在接触腐烂的蝙蝠之后,她接种了10次疫苗,以预防这一疾病。 After touching the decomposing bat, she underwent 10 vaccinations to prevent the disease. 卫生官员强调,如果接触狂犬病,迫切需要寻求医疗帮助,因为狂犬病如果不及时治疗,就会致命。 Health officials emphasize the urgency of seeking medical help if exposed, as rabies can be fatal without timely treatment. Walker的经验突出表明,在处理野生生物,特别是蝙蝠时,必须谨慎行事。 Walker's experience underscores the need for caution when handling wildlife, particularly bats.