阿富汗警察缴获了30公斤甲基安非他明,并在两个省逮捕了10人。 Afghan police seized 30 kg of methamphetamine and arrested ten individuals in two provinces.
阿富汗禁毒警察在昆都士和拉格曼省缉获了30公斤甲基苯丙胺,并逮捕了7名走私犯。 Afghan counter-narcotics police seized 30 kg of methamphetamine and arrested seven smugglers in Kunduz and Laghman provinces. 另有3人因在拉格曼出售和购买毒品而被捕。 Three additional individuals were arrested for drug selling and purchasing in Laghman. 阿富汗看守政府在全国禁止种植、加工和走私毒品。 The Afghan caretaker government has banned the cultivation, processing, and smuggling of narcotics nationwide.