逮捕了33名贩毒分子,作为阿富汗禁毒努力的一部分,在喀布尔缴获了9 940片兴奋剂片片。 33 drug traffickers arrested, 9,940 stimulant tablets seized in Kabul as part of Afghanistan's anti-drug efforts.
据阿富汗内政部称,喀布尔逮捕了33名贩毒分子,收缴了9 940片兴奋剂片。 33 drug traffickers were arrested in Kabul, and 9,940 stimulant tablets were seized, according to Afghanistan's Ministry of Interior Affairs. 自2022年4月以来,阿富汗看守政府承诺打击非法毒品、毒品生产和贩运,禁止种植、加工和贩运。 The Afghan caretaker government has pledged to combat illicit drugs, drug production, and trafficking, banning cultivation, processing, and trafficking since April 2022. 此外,在赫拉特省捣毁一帮强盗,逮捕了四人。 Additionally, a gang of robbers was dismantled in Herat province, with four arrests.