阿富汗警察在罂粟种植激增时缴获毒品并逮捕了走私者。 Afghan police seized drugs and arrested smugglers amid a surge in poppy cultivation.
阿富汗坎大哈省的禁毒警察缴获了海洛因、罂粟和大麻脂,逮捕了7名涉嫌贩毒者。 Counter-narcotics police in Afghanistan's Kandahar province have seized heroin, opium poppy, and hashish, and arrested seven suspected drug smugglers. 警察发言人强调了遏制毒品生产和贩运的承诺。 The police spokesperson emphasized the commitment to curb drug production and trafficking. 在帕尔旺省,另有两人因涉嫌贩毒而被捕。 In Parwan province, two more individuals were arrested for suspected drug trafficking. 这些行动是在据报阿富汗罂粟种植增加19%的情况下开展的。 These operations come amid a reported 19% increase in poppy cultivation in Afghanistan.