阿富汗警察缴获武器和毒品,在巴格兰省逮捕了11名走私犯。 Afghan police seized weapons and drugs, arresting 11 smugglers in Baghlan province.
阿富汗警察在巴格兰省发现一个武器储藏处,内有4支卡拉什尼科夫式步枪、9支手枪和数千发子弹。 Afghan police found a weapons cache with four Kalashnikovs, nine pistols, and thousands of bullets in Baghlan province. 他们还逮捕了11名贩运海洛因、甲基安非他明、印度大麻脂和兴奋剂的毒品走私者,这些走私者跨越多个省份。 They also arrested 11 drug smugglers involved in trafficking heroin, methamphetamine, hashish, and stimulants across multiple provinces. 看守政府禁止种植罂粟和印度大麻和贩毒,以对付毒品问题。 The caretaker government has banned poppy and hashish cultivation and drug trafficking to combat drug issues.