白宫为拜登赦免亨特之子辩护 在反弹和变化的形势下 White House defends Biden's pardon of son Hunter amid backlash and changing circumstances.
白宫新闻秘书Karine Jean-Pierre在新闻简报会上为Biden总统赦免他的儿子Hunter辩护, White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre defended President Biden's pardon of his son Hunter during a press briefing, citing changing circumstances and pressure from approaching sentencing. Jean-Pierre因先前声明赦免不会发生以及误报民调数据而面临强烈反弹。 Jean-Pierre faced backlash for previously stating a pardon wouldn't happen and for misrepresenting poll data. 她没有为先前的评论道歉, 声称她“揭露了总统的想法”。 She did not apologize for earlier comments, asserting she "laid out the President's thinking." 赦免令质疑拜登的遗产。 The pardon has raised questions about Biden's legacy.