警告说,联合王国药房部门面临危机,资金减少,药房比欧洲同行少。 UK pharmacy sector faces crisis with less funding and fewer pharmacies than European peers, warns NPA.
由于资金不足和人均药房数量较少, 英国的药房行业被批评为"欧洲的病患". The UK's pharmacy sector is criticized as the "sick man of Europe" due to inadequate funding and fewer pharmacies per capita compared to countries like Ireland, France, and Spain. 国家药剂协会警告说,如果不增加政府资金,关闭药店可能导致服务减少,包括周末时间和紧急避孕及吸毒上瘾支助等基本保健服务。 The National Pharmacy Association (NPA) warns that without increased government funding, pharmacy closures could lead to reduced services, including weekend hours and essential health services like emergency contraception and addiction support. 联合王国的药品支出也大大低于德国等可比国家。 The UK also spends significantly less on medicines than comparable nations, such as Germany.