联合王国药剂师因资金削减而罢工,影响到3 400多个药店的服务。 UK pharmacists strike over funding cuts, impacting services at over 3,400 pharmacies.
英格兰、威尔士和北爱尔兰的药剂师首次采取工业行动,由于十年来资金削减40%,服务被切断。 Pharmacists in England, Wales, and Northern Ireland are taking their first-ever industrial action, cutting services due to 40% funding cuts over a decade. 这将影响到3 400多个药店,导致工作时间缩短、家产中断、戒毒和戒烟支助等服务退出。 This will affect over 3,400 pharmacies, leading to reduced hours, halted home deliveries, and withdrawal from services like addiction and stop-smoking support. 全国药房协会要求增加13亿英镑的资金,以维持药房,因为过去十年间关闭了1 500多家药房。 The National Pharmacy Association demands a £1.3 billion funding increase to sustain pharmacies, as over 1,500 have closed in the past decade.