Timothy Sullivan因在亚利桑那州谋杀并肢解Amy Leagan被判处30年以上徒刑。 Timothy Sullivan sentenced to over 30 years for murdering and dismembering Amy Leagan in Arizona.
66岁的Timothy Sullivan 因2020年亚利桑那州Amy Leagan谋杀案被判处30多年徒刑。 Timothy Sullivan, 66, was sentenced to over 30 years in prison for the 2020 murder of Amy Leagan in Arizona. 最后一次见到Leagan是2020年10月活着的,11月在盐河附近发现了她被肢解的遗骸。 Leagan was last seen alive in October 2020, and her dismembered remains were found near the Salt River in November. 从Sullivan的汽车和前女友的家里得到的证据将他与犯罪联系起来,包括人的头发和被烧的衣物。 Evidence from Sullivan's car and an ex-girlfriend's home linked him to the crime, including human hair and burned clothing. 沙利文承认扼杀和肢解了Leagan 法官认为他对社会构成威胁 Sullivan admitted to strangling and dismembering Leagan, and the judge deemed him a danger to society.