21岁的Alajah Holmes因2022年在宾夕法尼亚州约克县谋杀半姐妹Amiya Paige一级谋杀罪被判处无期徒刑。 21-year-old Alajah Holmes sentenced to life for first-degree murder of half-sister Amiya Paige in York County, Pennsylvania, in 2022.
21 岁的 Alajah Elizabeth Holmes 因在宾夕法尼亚州约克县谋杀她 18 岁的同父异母妹妹 Amiya Paige 而被判处终身监禁。 Alajah Elizabeth Holmes, 21, has been sentenced to life in prison for the first-degree murder of her half-sister, Amiya Paige, 18, in York County, Pennsylvania. 枪击发生在2022年12月31日。 The shooting occurred on December 31, 2022. 2024年8月,福尔摩斯承认犯罪,对杀人罪认罪。 Holmes admitted to the crime by pleading guilty to criminal homicide in August 2024. 经过一定程度的认罪听证,她于2024年10月16日被判刑。 Following a degree of guilt hearing, she was sentenced on October 16, 2024. 福尔摩斯在逃离现场前 在后背射杀了佩奇 Holmes shot Paige in the back before fleeing the scene.