Bobby Thomas因谋杀2022年发现的Megan Gallagher而被判终身监禁。 Bobby Thomas sentenced to life in prison for the murder of Megan Gallagher, found in 2022.
Robert "Bobby" James Joseph Thomas, 29岁, 被判终身监禁, 18年不得假释, 罪名是二度谋杀 30岁的Megan Gallagher, 他于2020年失踪。 Robert "Bobby" James Joseph Thomas, 29, has been sentenced to life in prison with no parole for 18 years for the second-degree murder of Megan Gallagher, 30, who went missing in 2020. Thomas最初面临一级谋杀指控,但以较轻的罪名认罪。 Thomas initially faced first-degree murder charges but pleaded guilty to a lesser charge. Gallagher的遗骸是在2022年发现的。 Gallagher's remains were found in 2022. 另外4人因被指控在谋杀中扮演的角色而将受到审判。 Four others are set to stand trial for their alleged roles in the murder.