锡金大学规定女学生每月有一次月经休假日,以支持她们的健康。 Sikkim University introduces one menstrual leave day per month for female students to support their health.
正如登记官Laxuman Sharma12月4日所宣布的,锡金大学现在每月为女生提供一次月经假。 Sikkim University now offers female students one menstrual leave day per month, as announced by Registrar Laxuman Sharma on December 4. 该政策由副校长批准,应锡金大学学生协会(SUSA)的要求,旨在支持女学生的健康。 The policy, approved by the Vice-Chancellor and requested by the Sikkim University Students' Association (SUSA), aims to support the health of female students. 但是,这种假期在考试期间不可用,将计入75%的考勤要求。 However, this leave is not available during exam periods and will be counted towards the 75% attendance requirement.