Odisha在喀拉拉邦和比哈尔邦之后,对女雇员实施为期一天的月经假政策。 Odisha implements one-day menstrual leave policy for female employees, following Kerala and Bihar.
奥迪沙成为继喀拉拉和比哈尔之后的第三个印度邦,为公共和私营部门的女雇员执行为期一天的月经假政策。 Odisha becomes the third Indian state, after Kerala and Bihar, to implement a one-day menstrual leave policy for female employees in public and private sectors. 该政策由副首席部长普拉瓦蒂·帕里达在独立日庆祝活动期间宣布,旨在支持妇女健康,应对工作场所月经期间面临的挑战。 The policy was announced by Deputy Chief Minister Pravati Parida during Independence Day celebrations and aims to support women's health and address the challenges faced during menstruation in the workplace. 在此之前,在承认和满足妇女独特的保健需求以及在工作场所和教育机构中创造支助性环境方面,这项举措的势头日益增强。 This move follows growing momentum towards recognizing and addressing the unique health needs of women and creating supportive environments in the workplace and educational institutions.