卡纳塔克政府计划为公共和私营部门的妇女提供6天带薪月经假。 Karnataka government plans six days of paid menstrual leave for women in public and private sectors.
卡纳塔克政府计划每年为公共和私营部门的妇女实行6天带薪月经假。 The Karnataka government plans to introduce six days of paid menstrual leave per year for women in both public and private sectors. 劳动部长桑托斯·拉德宣布了这项旨在支持女雇员和促进两性平等的倡议。 Labour Minister Santosh Lad announced the initiative, which aims to support female employees and promote gender equality. 现已成立一个由18名成员组成的委员会,起草关于这项政策的法案,反映印度的更广泛趋势,印度的公司日益认识到需要休月经假。 An 18-member committee has been formed to draft a bill on this policy, reflecting a broader trend in India where companies are increasingly recognizing the need for menstrual leave.