居民反对内华达州的拟议围栏,担心它会限制野马用水。 Residents oppose a proposed fence in Nevada, fearing it will limit water access for wild horses.
瓦肖山谷居民反对在弗吉尼亚山脉设置23英里长的围栏, 担心这会限制野马获得瓦肖湖等水源。 Residents in Washoe Valley oppose a proposed 23-mile fence in the Virginia Range, fearing it will restrict wild horses' access to water sources like Washoe Lake. 内华达农业部(NDA)认为,为了公共安全需要围栏,并声称有足够的资源用于马匹。 The Nevada Department of Agriculture (NDA) argues the fence is needed for public safety and claims there are enough resources for the horses. 该项目仍处于规划阶段,需要进行广泛的环境审查,可能使施工推迟多年。 The project is still in the planning phase and requires extensive environmental reviews, potentially delaying construction for years.