北达科他州考虑放宽关于家畜饲养场如何靠近家庭和学校的规定。 North Dakota considers loosening rules on how close livestock farms can be to homes and schools.
北达科他州立法机关正在考虑修改牲畜作业条例,包括调整这些作业与家庭、企业和学校必须保持的必要距离。 North Dakota's legislature is considering changes to regulations on livestock operations, including adjusting the required distances these operations must maintain from homes, businesses, and schools. 工作队建议的拟议更新旨在平衡经济发展与环境问题和当地社区生活质量。 The proposed updates, recommended by a task force, aim to balance economic development with environmental concerns and quality of life in local communities. 虽然规则将更加宽松,但人们仍然期望它们比其他国家的规则更加严格。 While the rules would be more relaxed, they are still expected to be stricter than those in other states.