新的两党法案旨在加速并改进美国体育运动中性虐待案件的处理。 New bipartisan bill aims to accelerate and improve handling of sex-abuse cases in U.S. sports.
国会四名议员提出了《更安全体育促进运动员运动法》,这是一项两党法案,旨在改进美国安全体育中心处理奥林匹克运动和基层运动中性虐待案件的工作。 Four members of Congress have introduced the Safer Sports for Athletes Act, a bipartisan bill aimed at improving the U.S. Center for SafeSport's handling of sex-abuse cases in Olympic and grassroots sports. 该法案提议对解决案件设定180天的时限,并指派案件管理员改善与幸存者的沟通。 The bill proposes a 180-day limit for resolving cases and assigns case managers to improve communication with survivors. 该中心每年的赠款也翻了两番,达到1 000万美元,但资金仅限于培训和教育,而不是用于调查。 It also quadruples the center's grant to $10 million annually, but restricts funds to training and education rather than investigations. 批评者对这些变革的有效性持怀疑态度。 Critics are skeptical about the effectiveness of these changes.