在苏格兰Brucefield工业园区, 消防员与大火交锋, 厚烟雾在几英里外可见。 Firefighters battle major blaze at Brucefield Industrial Estate in Scotland, with thick smoke visible miles away.
在苏格兰西洛斯安的布鲁斯菲尔德工业园区, 消防员正在抗争一场大火, 于星期六下午1点开始。 Firefighters are fighting a major blaze at Brucefield Industrial Estate in West Lothian, Scotland, which started at 1pm on Saturday. 9辆消防车被派去灭火,火势已蔓延到一家大型工厂和附近建筑物。 Nine fire engines were dispatched to tackle the fire, which has spread to a large factory and nearby buildings. 深黑的烟雾从几英里外可见。 Thick black smoke was visible from miles away. 当局建议居民保持窗户关闭,并建议因道路关闭而避开该地区。 Authorities advised residents to keep windows closed and advised avoiding the area due to road closures.