海洋能源管理局为墨西哥湾的石油和天然气租赁发布草案,面临各种反应。 Bureau of Ocean Energy Management releases draft for oil and gas leasing in the Gulf of Mexico, facing mixed reactions.
海洋能源管理局发布了墨西哥湾石油和天然气租赁环境影响说明草案,为2024-2029年方案的首次租赁销售铺平了道路。 The Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) has released a draft environmental impact statement for oil and gas leasing in the Gulf of Mexico, paving the way for the first lease sale in the 2024-2029 program. 全国海洋工业协会支持这一举动,强调海湾对能源安全和经济增长的重要性。 The National Ocean Industries Association (NOIA) supports this move, highlighting the Gulf's importance for energy security and economic growth. 然而,NOIA敦促国会和新政府重新评估计划在今后五年内只销售三笔租约的有限时间表。 However, NOIA urges Congress and the new administration to reassess the limited schedule of only three lease sales planned over the next five years.