Beverley圣诞节因风暴Darragh取消, Beverley Festival of Christmas cancelled due to Storm Darragh, prioritizing safety over celebrations.
原定于 12 月 8 日举行的贝弗利圣诞节已因风暴达拉格而被取消,安全是首要问题。 The Beverley Festival of Christmas, set for December 8, has been cancelled due to Storm Darragh, with safety being the top concern. 约克郡东区议会(East Riding of Yorkshire Council)策划了为期六个月的活动,并通知了商人和摊主有关退款的信息。 The East Riding of Yorkshire Council, who planned the event for six months, informed traders and stallholders about refunds. 该镇仍然开放营业,但建议访客在旅行前检查天气预报。 The town remains open for business, but visitors are advised to check weather forecasts before traveling. 由于爆发影响牲畜的蓝舌病,驯鹿游行先前被取消。 The reindeer parade was previously cancelled due to an outbreak of bluetongue disease affecting livestock.