11月20日,Dagenham的公交车失事从屋顶上扯下来;两名妇女受伤。 On Nov. 20, a bus crash in Dagenham ripped off the roof; two women were injured.
11月20日早上10点左右,一辆公共汽车撞到Dagenham的Hadgemans路一棵树上,导致公共汽车屋顶被扯掉。 On November 20, a bus crashed into a tree on Hedgemans Road in Dagenham around 10am, resulting in the roof of the bus being ripped off. 两名妇女受伤并被送往医院作为预防措施,但她们的伤势并不危及生命。 Two women were injured and taken to the hospital as a precaution, but their injuries are not life-threatening. 大都会警察局和伦敦救护车署正在调查这一事件。 The Metropolitan Police and London Ambulance Service are investigating the incident.